Thursday, November 18, 2010

Clamor and Din

Swells oh swells
of hearts and bells
tinkering and beating
lovely, oh sweet thing
barren, or fair
oh what is thy care
this tumbling tumult
oh sweet thing
barreling charging
driving, crying
breaking, shattering
what is this new thing?
words come spilling
minds reeling to keep up
oh smoldering lies
turbulent truths
smashed in tarrying
bumbling and burying
your head in your hands
as decisions were wrong
and right
and back and forwards

Oh I would I were a fool
I weren't, I was, I won't
but it is done and begun
here we are and gone again
hello goodbye and back again
I wish you would have said
goodbye, hello i love you or no
i don't know, just alone
here we go, round and round
oh hello merry go round
what's right or wrong?
maybe its all tick tock
and wrong o'clock
ticking backwards
can't, no -won't tell time
no reason, rhyme
spilling water,
drinking tears,
all for fears, what fears?
it seems there was nothing
none to be done
it was just as it should be
but shouldn't have been
oh lovely love loud din
broken hearts resound within
old happy souls clamoring
It's all of these, righter
wronger, better, stronger
you and mine, I'm not yours
here we go again
but not this time,
it's time and time and wait
and heal from heartbreak

© copyright by Michèle Aimée Lahaie, 2010