Saturday, April 16, 2011


There is one who makes my soul awake
one who wakes my dreams from sleep
There is one who weeps with me
but makes my sorrows part from within

You are the one who makes me more
more than I remembered I wanted to be
Your heart is half of mine, and without it
I lived half-hearted, shy dancer in the dark

My feet were made to dance when you lit my toes
We dance through the fire together, unafraid
With your hand in mine, I forgot the fear,
plunged into dream-filled fits, creative fervor

When sorrows tore at my breaking heart
you held it close, mending it so tenderly
You wept with me til we grew tired of tears
and in your arms, we laughed as if one

The terrors of night crumbled in our eyes
plaster from eyelids, ashes dusting from lashes
Dreams grew bright until day wore dim
and life grew stronger without from within

© copyright by Michèle Aimée Lahaie, 2011