Friday, November 27, 2009

What Makes Your Heart Beat?

When your heart breaks
does it break for love?
or burst with joy?

Does it break with truth?
Or does it shatter from a lie
hissed through gnashing teeth?

When your heart aches
does it ache with all the joy
that you can never contain?

When it hurts, does it hurt
from the pain you caused yourself
from what you should not endure?

When your heart melts
does it melt with warm love?
or from hot hate burning through?

When your heart burns
does it burn with life, as it should?
or with or from deep seeded fear?

How does your heart break?
Why does your skip a beat?
How does your heart burn?

A heart is brought to full life
with overflowing joy
and life is long and full

But a heart that is burdened
senselessly, constantly, without reason
will surely be crushed, and fail soon after...

© copyright by Michèle Aimée Lahaie, 2009


Anonymous said...

Your poetry is very good.
God Bless You