Friday, June 12, 2009

the Painter in me

For starters, let me go ahead and introduce part of me whose works have not been seen through this digital window into my life - I am a painter. I can't show my paintings on here yet - but lately God has just overwhelmed me with the desire to paint ALL the time!! I'm constantly painting - and I've gained so much new everything in it! I get woken at 2 and 3 in the morning with wild visions that I know I need to paint. So I get up, draw them out and go back to bed. Soon after, I start painting them. This has happened each night for the past 3 or 4 nights now. I can't keep up with my dreams! I can't paint fast enough! And I'm actually painting on big canvases now, going all out, and spending amazing time in each one. Oh it's fantastic. 

I was listening to someone today. James Goll. and what he said was this (about his daughter) : 'the more secure she became in her identity in Christ for herself, that was when creativity exploded in her life'. And I realized, WOW, this is exactly what's been happening to me in my painting! What I need to do now, is to trust Him that He will meet me where I've come, (Ive come where he has told me), and ask Him to fulfill His promises, to bless my writing. Then let's see how my screenplays flourish! Sound good? Yes? Perfect!

Here's the link to him and his daughters talking about these things: