My heart lurches for a moment
the drink in my hand forgotten
You carved out a place in my heart
so long, so deep - so foolish am I
With a wave of shame, I realize
someone so unworthy of my heart
has taken my heart captive, strong
and held me in one place, so tight
My heart aches at your absence...
My love still beats weak inside
though I wish it would subside
A habit so ingrained in my heart
but a habit so useless from the start
I wanted to be rid of you so oft -
but you always made your way back
How did you take me so captive?
so enslaved to your heart and self?
It was the last my heart could want.
© copyright by Michèle Aimée Lahaie, 2010
In my mind, this event took place within a fraction of a second. Before the forgotten drink hit the floor the poem was done, over, and she was left standing almost in a comatose state while life's realities hit her like a train.
perfect :)
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