Tuesday, August 10, 2010

UnGrieved Past.

Wrap your arms around me
as my heart breaks
pelted by memory
each shattering a new hope
each a smashed former-dream

Hold me tight. close.
let me know it's alright
through your arms
for in this moment,
my ears have forgotten
how to understand sense

Hold me tighter. closer.
My heart is churning
throttling with pain
adrenaline of ungrieved past
making its way up my throat
pushing aside breath as it comes

As tears waterfall down my face
the memory becomes real
threatening my every future moment
it's tight grasp holding my breath
piercing my dreams in its claws

Stop. Don't hold me so close
let me stumble, let me tremble
let the grief overwhelm me
watch me as I hit the floor
but don't leave my side

Let it all wash over me
like a drowning wave-
but never let me go under
I need to fight this rage, pain
my withered heart needs to learn
remember. how to be strong again.
Pure grief-laden catharsis.
Let it come. Let it be.

© copyright by Michèle Aimée Lahaie, 2010


Corkille said...

Wow, I do enjoy your works because I never really know where it will end. Who are you talking to? God or your personal walls and strength that you use to fend off the pain?
It is a mature poem showing that you understand, even through the pain hate and discontentment, that you know what needs to get done. Tears are healing.

Aimée said...

Oo, thank you! I hope it never ends ;)
I'm talking to you, to God, to no one in particular. I'm talking to myself - trying to get my own heart to settle down; and to whoever will listen :)

And thank you. It's funny how that realization can come clattering down all at once. That overwhelming sensation as I wrote. The words spilled out at the same time as my heart realized it all over again. all in just one unflinching moment.