Saturday, October 23, 2010


Round my heart flits
circling it goes, dizzy in one place
with what was pre-supposed
Prithee what is it's nature?
Flighty as it be, yet steady
fleeting, tho loyal it be
Why does it behave uncontrollably?
Why so dragging, yet abrupt?
How so lazy, and diligent at once?
So discouraged, and ambitious
all at once, and never at all.

Such promise! potential galore
yet trapped in a place, trapped
behind a face, streaming, hurting
broken by fate, alive in every way.
Life escaped, dripped from fingers
Milk trapped in a drain, nowhere goes
Or words of a refrain I never know
An ocean of noise in seas of silence
What is this life? broken like birth
Brimming with potential, ever-moving
facing a dead end, with no end in sight.

How be this nature of things, unbroken
a contradiction of life, yea, of breath!
the stillness of dance, hurried breath of sleep
the noiselessness of a pounding pulse
the love that could never love at all
an embrace that conveys no emotion
a kiss the lips never felt touch at all
It is the energy that turned to lethargy,
the starting sluggish longing to live full life
It is the new warmth to melt a frozen heart,
to ignite the courage of those most afraid.

© copyright by Michèle Aimée Lahaie, 2010


JMP said...

I like the line, "the noiselessness of a pounding pulse."